Where To Get The Best View Of Istanbul

The beauty of Istanbul is such that it is impossible to describe, one must experience it first-hand. With its achingly-beautiful palaces, mosques and bazaars, Istanbul is a city one must visit, and its most spectacular views can be best appreciated from one of its many colorful rooftops. Istanbul has some absolutely stunning views, with far-reaching views of the sea, mountains, and the city itself, that one must experience.

For the best views of Istanbul, it is highly recommended to find a rooftop. Every local rooftop has a unique perspective, depending on its location, height, and orientation. From some rooftops, one can see across the shoreline of the Bosphorus, taking in the skyline of the city, with amazing sunsets. The best time of the day to visit a rooftop is the sunset, when one can appreciate the enchanting skyline, with historic monuments, like the Hagia Sophia, blended in with the city’s contemporary architecture.

For the most unique views of the city, the Galata Tower is a must-visit as it is an iconic structure and one of the most recognizable landmarks. The tower stands tall and still, amidst Istanbul’s hustle and bustle and provides unparalleled views of Istanbul’s immense skyline and Bosphorus. Other vantage points exploring the skyline of Istanbul include Pierre Loti Hill and Camlica Hill. These two hilltops offer stunning views of the city, and can be reached by taking a ferry or bus. Exploring the view from a boat or an aerial hop-on-hop-off tour is also popular amongst tourists, as it gives them the chance to discover Istanbul’s sea-front sights, from a bird’s-eye view.

The Blue Mosque, located near the Grand Bazaar, is another great vantage point, as one can experience the amazing atmosphere of the place and enjoy the view of the city from the top of the Mosque. This is also the perfect place to enjoy Istanbul’s famous sunsets and admire its glorious silhouette against the gleaming sky. It is important to understand local rules and regulations for each of these places – in the Blue Mosque, for example, it is important to remember to dress modestly.

In addition to rooftops, hills, towers, mosques and boat tours, a great place to visit to get the best view of Istanbul is the Galata Bridge. One of the oldest bridges in Istanbul, the Galata Bridge stretches for over 500m across the Golden Horn, giving an amazing panorama of the old city and its colorful life along the historic waterside. Standing on the bridge’s uppermost level and watching the city and it’s people go by is an experience one won’t ever forget.

Apart from the monuments, buildings and bridges, some of the best views of Istanbul might be at street level. The neighborhoods of Ferikoy and Moda offer some of the most stunning views of the city. Taking a walk along the Istiklal Street, or enjoying a cup of tea in an outdoor café in the neighborhood of Kadıköy, can give one amazing views of the sunset, overlooking the Bosphorus. Enjoying these sights while getting caught up in the lively atmosphere of Istanbul is truly unforgettable.

Obtaining the Best Views: Tips and Advice

When it comes to getting the best views of Istanbul, the best way to go about it is to do some research. Knowing the best local secrets and spots is essential to ensure one remains safe and secure and has a good experience. It is also important to be mindful of the locals, as well as the culture and language differentials. Traveling with an experienced guide can be beneficial in order to get the most out of the experience, as they will be able to provide insight into the city and its attractions.

It is also important to take into account the time of year one visits Istanbul and the weather. Istanbul has a long summer season, and therefore, the best time to visit is during this period. The rooftop views of Istanbul during the summer will be much more spectacular than during the winter, and the number of travellers in the city will be vastly reduced.

Considering different transport possibilities is also essential. Many rooftops across Istanbul are accessible through the city’s ancient tram system – Vapur – or through a day-tour bus. The former is usually less expensive and ensures one remains relatively close to the city centre. On the other hand, city buses offer a more comfortable and direct transport, with guides ensuring comfort and safety.

Discovering Local Flavours & Attractions

Exploring the tastes and unique flavours of Istanbul is what makes visiting the city so special. Its local culture, especially on the street and in the Bazaars, provides an insight into the lives of the locals and gives one a better understanding of what makes Istanbul so mystical and enchanting. One can experience delicious food, unique drinks, and special desserts in traditional restaurants, tea and coffee houses, as well as in various local attractions.

Traveling across the Bosporus in a traditional wooden boat and exploring both banks of Istanbul live, with locals, is an experience that should not be missed. There are also other unique attractions, such as the Hagia Sophia Museum, which provides gorgeous views of Istanbul’s skyline and offers a fascinating insight into the city’s history. One can also explore the Grand Bazaar, for some of the best shopping in the region.

Gokceadas island is another great place to visit and get interesting views of the city. Located in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Istanbul, Gokceadas is a charming island, covered with pine forests and sandy beaches. Here, one can explore the local village and eat some of the freshest seafood of Istanbul.

Lastly, travelling to the Princes Islands is a must when in Istanbul. Located in the Sea of Marmara, these tranquil islands offer a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The islands are an ideal place to watch the sunset and catch a glimpse of the city skyline from a distance.

Enjoying the Nightlife

The streets of Istanbul come alive at night with its bustling nightlife. From live music gigs to pubs, restaurants, and live theatres, there are always plenty of activities to choose from. The nightlife here is vibrant and creative, and the city’s atmosphere in the evenings is quite magical. Some of the best places to enjoy the nightlife in Istanbul include Akaretler, located near Taksim Square, and the low-ceiling cellar pubs in Beyoglu. These places offer a relaxed yet lively atmosphere, with both locals and tourists coming together to spend a fun night in the city.

For those who are looking for something a bit more active, there are also dozens of bars, pubs and clubs in the city, such as Lulo, Prens Bar and Old City. These places provide something for everyone, from fine dining restaurants to hip bars and clubs, offering some of the best live music and entertainment. These are some of the best places to go if one wants to experience the real Istanbul – the city’s diversity, colors, nightlife and, of course, the truly remarkable views.


Taking the time to explore the accommodation available when in Istanbul can also be immensely rewarding. From traditional guesthouses to boutique hotels, Istanbul offers a wide range of accommodation and getting the most out of these can make one’s stay truly unforgettable. Whether one’s preference is for something basic or luxurious and extravagant, Istanbul has it all.

For the most traditional accommodation, one can explore Istanbul’s charming old neighbourhoods and enjoy some local hospitality. Many of the best lodging options are located in the city center or close to popular tourist spots, such as the Grand Bazaar. In these places, one can find everything from traditional Ottoman-style architecture to modern amenities. Guests of these places often get the chance to try out some of the more traditional dishes of the region and, of course, to enjoy the extraordinary views.

For visitors who are more interested in luxurious accommodation, Istanbul’s many five-star hotels are the perfect option. Offering the height of comfort and service, these hotels come with all the necessary amenities, as well as fantastic views of the city. During the summer season, one can experience the city’s best rooftops in these hotels, with unrivaled views of the Bosphorus, from the comfort of their bedroom. For the best views of Istanbul, choosing the right accommodation is essential.

Staying Safe

Like any large city, Istanbul can be intimidating and, for this reason, safety when traveling is extremely important. The safest way to do this is to stick to the main tourist areas in the city. In the center and the more popular tourist areas, the city is usually quite safe, although it is always good practice to take some appropriate safety precautions. Using the etiquette and customs of the city to ensure one is not seen as an easy target is important.

It is also good to carry all necessary documents with one at all times. Although there are relatively few thefts and threats in Istanbul, it is essential to use caution and be aware of one’s surroundings while visiting the city. It is also important to avoid traveling alone at night, and to take a taxi or use public transportation whenever possible.

In Conclusion

Istanbul is truly one of the most magical cities in the world and there is no better way to enjoy the city than by visiting its many stunning view points. From top-floor rooftops to traditional mosques and towers, Istanbul offers unparalleled views of its skyline, along with an unforgettable atmosphere. Exploring the city streets, enjoying the local food, and taking in the sights from hilltops and bridges are all part of the experience. It is important to take some safety precautions, as well as take the time to explore the numerous attractions the city has to offer, to make the most out of one’s stay in Istanbul, and take in the spectacular views of this beautiful place.

Ralph Honore

Ralph W. Honore is a journalist and writer who specializes in covering Turkey. He has written extensively on a wide range of topics relating to Turkey, including its history, culture, politics, and economy.He is passionate about helping to bring a better understanding of Turkey to the world.

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