How Far Siirt Province From Istanbul

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, and the center of all the hustle and bustle that comes with being a megacity. But how far siirt province from istanbul? Siirt province is located in the southeastern corner of Turkey and is about 540 km away from Istanbul. The total distance from Istanbul to Siirt is approximately 7 hours and 55 minutes by car.

Travelers have different methods of transportation available, depending on their needs and preferences. The common mode of transportation from Istanbul to Siirt is by bus. The bus journeys from Istanbul take about 13 hours and cover different cities in eastern Turkey, such as Erzurum, Bingol and Mus before reaching Siirt. Some of the buses are direct and take between 11 and 13 hours, while others make stops along the way.

For those in a hurry, flights are also available. Turkish airline companies such as Pegasus and Sun Express provide connections from Istanbul Airport to Siirt Airport. The flights take about 2 hours and 55 minutes and are probably the most expensive option, but the most convenient one if you are in a hurry.

Car rentals offer travelers the freedom to customize their trip according to their needs and preferences. The most popular route is Istanbul-Adana-Mardin-Siirt. The journey is approximately 745 km and will take about 12 hours by car. This is a great option for those who want to have a side trip along the way, as it gives you the opportunity to stop and explore different cities.

Perhaps the most unusual and least conventional way to travel to Siirt is by train. Although the railway network in Turkey does not have a direct line going to Siirt, it is possible to take a train from Haydarpasa railway station in Istanbul to Diyarbakir, which is a city near Siirt. From there, travelers can take a bus to Siirt, which takes about 6 hours.


Siirt Province has been inhabited since pre-historic times and is now known as one of the oldest cities in Turkey. According to some sources, the city was founded by Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. The city is also known for its rich cultural heritage, which consists of several ancient historical sites, such as the Diyar-i Zafer Fort, the Sultan Shah Mosque, the Ulu Mosque and the Korkut Tomb. All these sites have been very well-preserved and can still be seen today.

Siirt Province is also known for its natural beauty. The province is home to the Nemrut National Park and the Tur Abdin Mountains, which are surrounded by lush green valleys. The area is perfect for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature.


Siirt Province is an agricultural region that relies heavily on the production of olives, fruits and grains for its local economy. Additionally, the province produces some of the best-quality honey in the region. The province also has a large population of sheep, horses, cows and goats, which can provide the local population with wool, milk and other animal products.

The province is also home to several manufacturing industries, including the production of textiles, leather goods, furniture and food. Moreover, Siirt Province is also known for its traditional handicrafts, such as carpets and pottery. These products are exported to other cities in Turkey and around the world.


The culture of Siirt Province is centered around its rich history. As a result, the region is home to some of the most unique cultural traditions. The province is known for its traditional folk music, dances and costumes, which can be seen during weddings and festivals. Additionally, the people of Siirt Province have a strong attachment to their land, which is reflected in their love for their culture and traditions.

Moreover, Siirt Province is home to numerous ethnic minority groups. The region is currently home to Kurds, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Greeks and more. These groups are known for their hospitality and traditional values, which make Siirt a great destination for those looking for a unique cultural experience.


The cuisine of Siirt Province is heavily influenced by its ancient history and its ethnic diversity. As a result, the dishes here have influences from all over the Middle East. Some of the most popular dishes include halimi kebab, köfte (meatballs), kurban (lamb) and kilim soup. Additionally, the region is known for its unique dessert dishes, such as keskül (pudding cake) and dolma (stuffed grape leaves).

Furthermore, the province is also known for its culinary festivals, which are held throughout the year. These festivals offer a great opportunity to experience the regional dishes and explore the local culture. Additionally, the festivals also feature traditional music and folklore performances.


Siirt Province is known for its impressive attractions, which include natural and historical sites. The area is home to numerous national parks, such as the Nemrut National Park and the Tur Abdin Mountains. Additionally, the region is known for its diverse wildlife, which can be seen in the many nature reserves across the province. The area also has several historical sites, such as the Diyar-i Zafer Fort, the Sultan Shah Mosque, the Ulu Mosque and the Korkut Tomb.

Siirt Province is also home to several outdoor activities, such as horseback riding, hiking and biking. The area is perfect for those looking for an outdoor adventure and to connect with nature. Additionally, travelers can also visit the numerous local markets, which offer a unique insight into the local culture as well as a variety of regional products.


Siirt Province is located in the southeastern corner of Turkey and is about 540 km away from Istanbul. Travelers have various transportation methods available depending on their preference. Siirt Province has an impressive history, natural beauty, unique cultural traditions, delicious cuisine and numerous attractions. All these factors make it a great destination for those looking for a different travel experience.

Lois Plaza

Lois R. Plaza is an award-winning author who specializes in travel writing about Turkey. She has traveled extensively throughout the country and has written several books about the culture and history of Turkey, as well as its culinary delights. She is passionate about exploring the many facets of Turkey, from its vibrant cities to its stunning landscapes.

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